How we work
Information about how we work.
Code of Conduct
Information about what we can and cannot look into in relation to complaints about the Code of Conduct.
Complaints about public service providers
Information about our process.
- EasyRead version of our "What we do when we get your complaint" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Remedies" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "What happens if you can take legal action against the public body you are complaining about" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Recommendations and Compliance for Service Users" Factsheet
Complaints about Education
Information about what we can and cannot look into in relation to complaints about Education.
- EasyRead version of our "School Complaints - General Information" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "School Admissions and Appeals" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "School Exclusions" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Special Educational Needs" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Student Finance" Factsheet
Complaints about Health
Information about what we can and cannot look into in relation to complaints about Health.
- EasyRead version of our "Continuing NHS Healthcare" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "General Practitioners" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "NHS Complaints" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Dentists, Opticians & Pharmacists" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Health Inspectorate Wales" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Commissioned and Private Healthcare" Factsheet
Complaints about Housing & Your Home
Information about what we can and cannot look into in relation to complaints about Housing & Your Home.
- EasyRead version of our "Council Tax" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Disabled Facilities Grant" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Homelessness" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Housing Allocation" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Housing Repairs" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Noise Nuisance" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Antisocial Behaviour" Factsheet
Complaints about Parking
Information about what we can and cannot look into in relation to complaints about Parking.
Complaints about Planning
Information about what we can and cannot look into in relation to complaints about Planning.
Complaints about Social Services
Information about what we can and cannot look into in relation to complaints about Social Services.
- EasyRead version of our "Social Services - General Information" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "CAFCASS Cymru" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Care Inspectorate Wales" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Child Protection" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Protection of Vulnerable Adults" Factsheet
Complaints about Various Other things
Information about what we can and cannot look into in relation to complaints about various other things.
- EasyRead version of "Enforcement Agents" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Personnel and Employment Problems" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of "Public Rights of Way" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Complaints against Community and Town Councils - General information" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Complaints about Police & Crime Commissioners in Wales & Police & Crime Panels" Factshee
- EasyRead version of our "Record Keeping" Factsheet
- EasyRead version of our "Human Rights Act" Factsheet
Investigations on Own Initiative
Information about our Own Initiative Investigations.
Thematic Reports
EasyRead versions of our Thematic Reports.
Annual Reports & Accounts
EasyRead versions of our Annual Reports & Accounts.
Sustainability Reports
EasyRead versions of our Sustainability Reports.
Equality Documents
EasyRead versions of our Equality Documents.