We have a number of Memoranda of Understanding which set out how we communicate with organisations where we have shared responsibilities to ensure we work effectively and efficiently together.  The general principles that underpin our agreements include recognising each other’s statutory responsibilities and respecting each other’s independent status to collaborate and co-operate with each other where relevant and appropriate.

      1. Memorandum of Understanding between The Children’s Commissioner for Wales, The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, The Welsh Language Commissioner, The Future Generations Commissioner and The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
      2. Agreement between the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and Dyfed Powys Police
      3. Memorandum of Understanding Between the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and the General Dental Council
      4. Memorandum of Understanding between Healthcare Inspectorate Wales and The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
      5. Dealing with Information Rights – An agreed set of principles between the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and the Information Commissioner’s Office
      6. Memorandum of Understanding between Care Inspectorate Wales and the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
      7. Memorandum of Understanding between the Community Health Councils in Wales and The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
      8. Memorandum of Understanding between The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO), Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman, and Gibraltar Public Services Ombudsman
      9. Memorandum of Understanding between the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and the General Medical Council
      10. Agreement between the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and Gwent Police
      11. Agreement between the Public Services Ombudsman for  Wales and North Wales Police
      12. Memorandum of Understanding between the Auditor General for Wales & Wales Audit Office and The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
      13. Memorandum of Understanding between Llais & The Public Services Ombudsman For Wales
      14. Agreement between the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and South Wales Police