We have today published statistics on complaints received by the 22 Social Landlords who fall under our Complaints Standards regime – affecting nearly 250,000 social tenants. The data published today covers the first half of the 2024/25 financial year.
We are also publishing complaints data from Health Boards, Trusts, and Local Authorities in Wales.
3,500 complaints in 6 months for Social Landlords
The data, which includes information from 22 Social Landlords who operate our model complaints policy, shows that more than 3,500 complaints were logged by these bodies in the first 6 months of the year – this is the equivalent of about 32 complaints for every 1,000 tenants*. This rate appears to be much higher than in other parts of the Welsh public sector, but suggests good awareness of the model policy.
The records show that 71% of complaints received by the landlords featured related to Repairs and Maintenance – including damp and mould. No other specific category received more than a 5% share.
The data shows that social landlords closed around 80% of their complaints within the timescales set under their policies, which can be 20 working days at most. The data also shows that the landlords upheld almost 60% of complaints themselves.
168 complaints about the landlords listed were referred to us in the first 6 months of the year, which represents under 5% of all complaints closed in the same period. We closed 155 complaints about these landlords, with these complaints attracting a 22% intervention rate – where we recommend Early Resolution**, Voluntary Settlement, or uphold a complaint after an investigation.
Health Board complaints fall
The data shows that just over 9,000 complaints were received by Welsh Health Boards and Trusts in the first half of 24/25; this is the equivalent of about 6 complaints for every 1,000 residents of Wales*. These complaint volumes are slightly lower than the first half of last financial year.
The data shows that more than 80% of complaints were closed within the target of 30 working days – an improvement on the same period last year, meaning Health Boards and Trusts seem to be replying to complaints more promptly this year.
527 complaints relating to Health Boards and Trusts were referred to us in the year, which represents about 6% of all complaints closed in the same period – this is similar to the same period last year.
The numbers of complaints referred gives context to both Health complaints data and cases about Health Boards and Trusts handled by us.
We closed 458 complaints about Health Boards and Trusts in the first half of 24/25. Some of those complaints would have been referred to the office during the previous financial year.
We intervened in about 27% of those cases, by recommending Early Resolution**, Voluntary Settlement, or upholding a complaint after an investigation. This is broadly consistent with previous years.
Nearly 11,000 complaints to Welsh Councils in 6 months
We are also publishing information about Local Authority complaints today – with nearly 11,000 complaints being logged by Local Authorities in Wales during the first half of 24/25, the equivalent of 7 complaints for every 1,000 residents*. This number has grown over recent years, following the implementation of our Complaints Standards regime in 2019.
More than 75% of complaints were handled within the target time – Local Authorities use a target of 20 working days. This performance is similar to previous years.
Records show that 37% of complaints recorded by Local Authorities were about waste and refuse – a theme continuing from previous years – 18% were about housing, and 12% were about social services. More than 50% of all complaints were upheld by Local Authorities, a slight increase on last year.
We received 707 complaints about Local Authorities in the first half of 24/25, which represents 7% of all complaints closed by Local Authorities in the same period.
We closed 615 complaints about Local Authorities in the first half of 24/25. Some of those complaints would have been referred to the office during the previous financial year.
We intervened in 12% of those cases, by recommending Early Resolution**, Voluntary Settlement, or upholding a complaint after an investigation. The large majority of cases about Local Authorities closed by us in the first half of 24/25 were out of jurisdiction, or closed by early resolution.
Michelle Morris, the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales said,
“We are pleased to publish information about how health boards, councils and housing associations are dealing with complaints about their services. This is the first time was have published data on social housing in Wales, and this is especially to ensure tenants have access to good housing and that issues are promptly and properly resolved. We are proud that our work on complaints standards means that nearly 250,000 social tenants now benefit from improved complaint handling. This data, alongside information which public bodies hold themselves, should be an important tool in improving services for people across Wales”.
*Note: The Social Landlords data for the first half of 2024/25 is currently being reviewed and will be republished shortly.
Our Complaints Standards Data reports show complaints information for public bodies, and PSOW, during the financial year. The reports are updated twice a year. Complaints Standards data is data that can be used and shared by anyone for any purpose. We make this data publicly available under the Open Government Licence to provide transparency about public sector complaints we receive, and those dealt with by public bodies in the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction.
In publishing this information we have taken steps to ensure that it is not possible to identify any individual.
You can view more data on our cases via our Open Data page – Open Data, and through our annual report.
- Q1+2 2022 statistics (Health Boards and Trusts) - Downloadable version
- Q1+2 2022 statistics (Local Authorities) - Downloadable version
- Q1 2021/2022 statistics - Downloadable version
- Q 2 2021/2022 statistics - Downloadable version
- Q 3 2021/2022 statistics - Downloadable version
- Q 4 2021/2022 statistics - Downloadable version
- 2022/2023 Statistics - Health Boards
- 2022/2023 Statistics - Local Authorities
- First half of 2023/2024 statistics - Health Boards
- First half of 2023/2024 statistics - Local Authorities
- 2023/24 Statistics - Local Authorities
- 2023/24 Statistics - Health Boards
- First half of 2024/2025 statistics - Health Boards
- First half of 2024/2025 statistics - Local Authorities