Report Date


Case Against

Newport City Council


Services for vulnerable adults (eg with learning difficulties. or with mental health issues)

Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Mr X complained about Newport City Council’s decision to impose charges for social care provided to his son within his educational setting. He said that the care his son received in college was part of his educational provision when he was awarded a placement of an all-inclusive needs programme. Further, Mr X said that no other inclusive student was paying social care contributions to attend the college.

The Ombudsman found that the Council had declined to investigate Mr X’s complaint in accordance with its complaints process as it said that Mr X had informed it that he intended to take legal action, and that its review process had provided Mr X with significant information about the charges. However, whilst the review process had sought to address the amount Mr X’s son was eligible to pay, it had not addressed why he was paying anything at all. Further, given Mr X’s circumstances, the Ombudsman was not persuaded that legal action was an option for him.

The Ombudsman sought and gained the Council’s agreement to investigate and formally respond to Mr X’s complaint about the financial charges, referencing the legislation and/or policies it had adhered to in reaching its decision to impose them, within 20 working days.