Ms A complained about outstanding maintenance issues at her home address. She said that contractors had visited the property and informed her that some the issues are also affecting other residents on the development.
The Ombudsman found that Ms A had submitted a previous complaint to his office which was closed on the basis that the Housing Association informed him that some of the maintenance issues were the fault of Ms A and some were due to be resolved. Ms A subsequently provided new evidence to the Ombudsman, advising that contractors had visited her property following the Ombudsman’s decision letter, and confirmed that the maintenance issues were not her fault.
The Ombudsman sought and gained the Housing Association’s agreement, within 20 working days, to arrange a properly documented meeting between the relevant contractors and Linc Cymru’s Development Team to establish what maintenance issues are outstanding and who is responsible for rectifying them together with a timescale for any outstanding issues to be rectified. Following the meeting, a detailed joint response, documenting the outcome is to be provided to Ms Turner, and if appropriate, a sum of financial redress should be provided to her in recognition of the time and trouble in her pursuing the complaint.