Mr X complained to the Ombudsman regarding issues with Powys County Council’s assisted refuse and recycling collections from his address. Mr X was unhappy that since informing the Council that he is disabled, and reaching an agreement for the collections to be made from beside his house, the collections had been missed on several occasions.
The Ombudsman found that despite acknowledging failings within its responses to Mr X’s Stage 2complaints, the Council had not taken appropriate corrective measure to prevent a recurrence of repeated missed collections. The Ombudsman was not satisfied that the Council’s actions were appropriate considering the inconvenience that Mr X experienced.
The Ombudsman sought and gained the Council’s agreement to provide Mr X with a full apology, to offer him a financial redress payment to the value of £125 for the time and trouble associated with pursuing his complaints to arrange for a designated waste collections supervisor to contact Mr X to resolve ongoing concerns and to consider what actions could be taken to avoid assisted lift collections being missed in the future, within 20 working days