Ms A complained about the Council’s management of her complaint. She said that her Stage 2 complaint to the Council was not dealt with by an appropriate person as the Officer concerned had been directly involved with the subject of the complaint. Ms A also raised other issues with the Council’s handling of her complaint, including around communication and delay. She set out in detail the difficult situation she found herself in as a result of the Council’s actions/inactions.
The Ombudsman found that the Council’s Stage 2 investigation fell short of what would be expected from a public body. It did not adhere to the Ombudsman’s guidance on the Principles of Good Administration, particularly in relation to fairness impartiality and independence. The Council agreed carry out a fresh stage 2 investigation and meet with Ms A to agree the issues that should be considered. The Council also agreed to include its handling of the previous Stage 2 investigation as part of the fresh investigation.