Report Date


Case Against

Ceredigion County Council


Planning and Building Control

Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Mr X complained about the Council’s handling of his complaint about a noise nuisance from a commercial sandblasting business. Mr X said that he had made 2 complaints to the Council. Mr X said that he had made 2 complaints to the Council. Whilst Mr X appreciated that the Council had acknowledged his latest complaint the Council had failed to provide a complaint response.

The Council confirmed that the correct process had not been followed in relation to Mr X’s complaint. The Council agreed to complete the following in settlement of Mr X’s complaint by 31 May 2022, as an alternative to the Ombudsman investigating it:

a) Provide Mr X with an apology for failing to provide regular and meaningful updates and a complaint response

b) Provide Mr X with an explanation for this oversight

c) Provided assurances that processes will be reviewed to prevent this happening again

d) Provide Mr X with a Stage 2 complaint response in relation to his substantive concerns.