Mr A complained to the Ombudsman that in March 2020, due to the pandemic, his orthopaedic operation was cancelled. When he submitted his complaint, he had yet to receive a date for his operation.
The Ombudsman accepted that the Health Board’s services had been severely disrupted, and further delays to routine operations were highly likely. Mr A, like many other members of the public, were experiencing these delays. The Ombudsman was concerned that Mr A had not received a recent update on his place on the waiting list. He decided to settle the complaint without an investigation.
The Ombudsman sought the Health Board’s agreement to provide Mr A with an update and full explanation on his place on the waiting list, within 2 weeks. It also agreed to confirm the steps it is taking to manage and review the orthopaedic waiting list, to ensure that Mr A receives his operation at the earliest possible opportunity.