Report Date


Case Against

A Dental Practice in the area of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board


Patient list issues

Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Miss B complained that a Dental Practice in the area of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board had removed her from its patient list after she raised concerns with it about dental charges.

The Ombudsman found that the dental charges were for private treatment, so fell outside of her remit. Miss B was signposted to the Dental Complaints Service for this element of her complaint. The Ombudsman also found that the Practice had not issued a full complaint response to Miss B about its decision to remove her from its patient list, and its complaints procedure for NHS patients contained incorrect and outdated information. The Ombudsman said this caused frustration to Miss B and decided to settle the complaint without a formal investigation.

The Ombudsman sought and gained the Practice’s agreement to issue a complaint response to Miss B about its decision to remove her from its patient list and to update and correct its complaints procedure within 6 weeks.