Report Date


Case Against

Cardiff Council


Parking (including enforcement and bailiffs)

Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Mr X complained that the Council had failed to respond appropriately to his reports of parked vehicles blocking the dropped curb at his property. He raised concerns that the Council’s response to his complaint was inadequate and did not take account of his specific needs as a resident with autism.

The Ombudsman found that the Council’s response to the complaint was ineffective and unclear. It did not recognise Mr X’s specific need for feedback due to his autism.

In settlement of the complaint, the Council:

• Will give a formal written apology to Mr X for its response to his complaint and the confusion about the daily enforcement visits.

• will set up a weekly email to Mr X that will list the number of times that parking enforcement officers have visited his property that week and whether any PCNs have been issued.

• As, as a gesture of goodwill, installed an H-bar marking across the dropped kerb at the property in order to discourage any parking contraventions.