Report Date


Case Against

Gwynedd Council


Other planning matters

Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Mr X complained about the lack of action on the Council’s part in rectifying the gradual deterioration of a Listed Building in his local area, via the service of legal notices upon the owner with a view to ensuring that maintenance work is undertaken. He also complained about the lack of updates received from the Council as to its progress, other than when he actively chased for further information.

The Council satisfied the Ombudsman that it was actively pursuing the matter, but that there were a number of challenging legal, jurisdictional and practical obstacles to progress. The Council agreed to, within 20 working days, write to Mr X to set out what it had done thus far to address the problems complained about, to set out its plan of action going forward (as far as it was able to) and to update Mr X regularly in the future. The Ombudsman considered this to constitute an appropriate settlement and did not investigate.