Mrs A complained that the Council had withdrawn direct payments to Miss X, which had resulted in financial loss. Mrs A sought reinstatement of direct payments and reimbursement for the care which had been funded by Miss X. Mrs A was unhappy with the Council’s complaint response.
The Ombudsman was concerned that no assessment of Miss X’s care and support needs or financial position had been undertaken by the Council. He decided to settle the complaint without an investigation.
The Ombudsman sought and gained the Council’s agreement to undertake an Integrated Assessment, within 6 weeks of his decision. In the event that care and support needs were identified, the Council agreed to either make a referral to the Local Health Board for a continuing care assessment or undertake a financial assessment. Within7 days of the Integrated Assessment being completed, the Council agreed to inform Miss X’s parents of the outcome of the assessment, and (subject to consent being provided), share the outcome of the assessment with the private case manager and professional deputy for Miss X.
The Ombudsman’s view was that the above action was reasonable to settle the complaint.