Report Date


Case Against

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board



Case Reference Number



Upheld in whole or in part

Mrs A complained about the actions of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (“the Health Board”) in relation to the care provided to her late mother, Mrs B. Specifically, Mrs A complained that Mrs B’s needs (as set out in her Care Plan) were not met, there was a failure to ensure appropriate assessments were undertaken in a timely manner and her return to her own home was inappropriately and unreasonably delayed, all of which impacted on her health and welfare. In addition, Mrs A complained about the care Mrs B received from a care home in the Health Board area (“the Care Home”) in that, between 1 and 28 November 2020, the Care Home did not meet Mrs B’s needs (as set out in her Care Plan) and did not ensure its staff used Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) appropriately and in line with legislation and guidance.

The Ombudsman found that there were some shortcomings on the part of both the Health Board and Care Home, in meeting the needs set out in the Care Plan, but that this was largely due to measures needed to stop transmission of the Covid-19 infection. The Ombudsman did not uphold these complaints. The Ombudsman found that although appropriate assessments were completed, there were avoidable delays in the assessment and discharge process and so, to that extent, upheld this complaint. The Ombudsman also found that for a period of time while Mrs B was in the Care Home, and while she was nursed in a bed, the Care Home did not to adhere to her care plan. The Ombudsman also found that although it was not possible to say the extent to which this was the case, the correct PPE was not appropriately worn consistently in the communal areas of the Care Home. The Ombudsman upheld this complaint.