Report Date


Case Against

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board



Case Reference Number



Upheld in whole or in part

Mrs A complained about hospital treatment provided by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board to her father, Mr B, between February and April 2020. The Ombudsman’s investigation considered the following questions:
a) Were appropriate infection control measures put in place to protect Mr B from contracting COVID-19?
b) Was the decision to discharge Mr B from Royal Gwent Hospital (“the Hospital”) appropriate?
c) Was the Health Board’s Nosocomial (hospital-acquired) COVID-19 Review carried out appropriately?
The investigation found that the infection prevention and control (“IP&C”) measures in place prior to Mr B contracting COVID-19 were in keeping with expected practice and relevant guidance. This complaint was not upheld. The investigation found that the decision to discharge Mr B from the Hospital was not appropriate because there had been a failure to carry out a full assessment of his confusion levels. This complaint was upheld. Finally, the investigation found that the Health Board’s Nosocomial Review had been carried out to a reasonable standard. This complaint was not upheld.
The Health Board agreed to the Ombudsman’s recommendation that it should apologise to Mrs A for failing to carry out an appropriate assessment of Mr B’s confusion levels. It also agreed to remind relevant medical staff at the Hospital of the importance of ensuring that patients showing signs of delirium are appropriately assessed prior to discharge.