Report Date


Case Against

Hafod Housing Association


Neighbour disputes and anti-social behaviour

Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Mr Y complained about the Housing Association’s handling of anti-social behaviour (“ASB”) and other matters relating to CCTV equipment and bin storage.

The Ombudsman found that the Housing Association had given Mr Y retrospective permission to install the CCTV camera. In addition, as part of this agreement, there were obligations for Mr Y to provide evidence of appropriate use. As the Housing Association had received reports of the camera being moved, the Ombudsman was not persuaded that the Housing Association’s request for evidence of appropriate use was improper. In relation to the bin storage issue, the Housing Association agreed to undertake work to erect a fence to define the boundary between Mr Y’s and his neighbour’s property. As the Housing Association had taken action to address this issue, there was nothing further that could be achieved by this office. A suitable resolution had been proposed and a plan had been put in place to address this issue.

In terms of Mr Y’s ASB complaint, new information had been provided to the Housing Association after it responded to Mr Y’s complaint. It therefore agreed to meet Mr and Mrs Y to discuss the new information and investigate the evidence according to its ASB policy. The Ombudsman considered that the action the Housing Association had agreed to take was reasonable to resolve the complaint.