Report Date


Case Against

Rhondda Housing Association Ltd



Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Mr X complained that Rhondda Housing Association Ltd (“the Association”) had written to him following a complaint that it had received and had made accusations about him that he said he was innocent of. He said that he had done nothing to breach his tenancy agreement. Mr X also complained that the Association had not responded to his letters of complaint.

The Ombudsman was concerned about the delays Mr X had experienced in receiving a complaint response and that he had been inconvenienced by the lack of action by the Association.

The Association advised the Ombudsman that the outcome of Mr X’s case would be dependent on a court hearing relating to an incident involving Mr X and his neighbour, which was due to take place in August 2021. Accordingly, the Ombudsman could not consider matters that were part of court proceedings. In relation to the complaint handling issue, the Ombudsman sought and gained the Association’s agreement to:

· Provide Mr X with a formal complaint response within 2 weeks of the Court Hearing, due to take place in August 2021.

· Provide Mr X with information on the formal complaints process, including the proposed action outlined above, within2 weeks of the date of the Ombudsman’s letter.