Report Date


Case Against

Monmouthshire Housing Association



Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Mrs M complained that Monmouthshire Housing Association had not fulfilled its obligations as her landlord, as it hadn’t appropriately maintained her outside storage. She said that due to the storage being in bad repair, and having items from the previous tenant still inside, she was not able to use it, and as such two bikes belonging to her had been stolen from outside her flat.

The Housing Association said that it was aware of the issues with the storage and upgrades were scheduled, but due to unavoidable delays, including Covid-19 and drainage issues, there had been a delay in upgrading the storage, but this had now been done. It stated that it would not have been liable for the theft of the bikes even if they had been stolen from the storage, but acknowledged that if the storage had been in good repair, the bikes may have been safer there.

The Housing Association agreed to make a goodwill payment of £300 to Mrs M to go towards replacing the bikes.