The Community Health Council complained to the Ombudsman onbehalf of Ms E, regarding the significant delay in response to a formalcomplaint submitted to Hywel Dda University Health Board in 2020. Following hermother sadly passing away in October 2020, Ms E formally complained to theHealth Board regarding the treatment of her mother prior to her death.
The Ombudsman found that the Health Board had acknowledgedin May 2022 that the draft complaint response was progressing, but this wasslower than anticipated due to staff sickness and absence alongside severeservice pressures. However, the Ombudsman considered that the Health Board’sexpected response had far exceeded any reasonable timeframe.
The Ombudsman sought and gained the Health Board’s agreementto provide Ms E with a further apology in writing for the continued delay, toprovide Ms E with a full response to her complaint, to offer a financialredress to the value of £500 for the avoidable time and trouble caused by thesignificant delay and for all Health Board clinicians to be reminded of theirresponsibility within the ‘Putting Things Right’ process, within 20 workingdays.