Report Date


Case Against

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board



Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Ms X complained that Aneurin Bevan University Health Board failed to respond to the complaint Ms X submitted in May 2024 regarding the sudden passing of her partner. Ms X further complained that both her and her advocate needed to chase the Health Board to obtain any updates, and Ms X felt the level of communication was poor.

The Ombudsman concluded that the Health Board had failed to respond to Ms X’s complaint in line with its complaint process. The Ombudsman said this caused uncertainty, frustration, and inconvenience to Ms X. The Ombudsman decided to settle the complaint without an investigation.

The Ombudsman sought and gained the Health Board’s agreement to issue its complaint response, which should also include an apology and explanation for the delay and lack of regular updates. A redress payment of £100 should also be offered to Ms X in recognition of the time and trouble expended having to chase for updates and for the need to approach the Ombudsman (within 3 weeks).