Report Date


Case Against

A GP Practice in the area of Hywel Dda University Health Board



Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Mr A complained about how a GP Practice in the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board area (“the Practice”) had ended a shared care agreement in respect of the provision of ADHD medication for Mr A. Mr A had been diagnosed privately and the shared care agreement had been between the private clinic and the Practice. Mr A was informed of the cancellation of the shared care agreement in October 2022. Since the agreement was ended, Mr A had to pay for the medication at a considerable monthly cost and there had been a risk that he would be unable to obtain the medication needed to manage his symptoms, as the private psychiatrist had intended to discharge him to the care of the Practice. Mr A complained about this matter via his CHC Advocate in November 2022. He did not receive a formal written complaint response to that complaint.

The Ombudsman was concerned that the Practice had failed to respond properly to Mr A’s complaint. As an alternative to an investigation, the Ombudsman sought and gained the Practice’s agreement to apologise to Mr A for failing to respond to his complaint and to provide him with a formal written complaint response. It agreed to take these steps within 1 month.