Mr A complained about the Housing Association (the HA) not listening to his complaints, and the delay in the HA replacing the defective cavity wall insulation in his block of flats and dealing with the issue of mould. Mr A, who has mental health issues, said that his physical and mental health had “greatly deteriorated” due to the stress. Mr A also referred to belongings (clothes and furniture) being damaged as a result of the mould. Mr A referred to the fact that the HA had not compensated him for the damaged items.
The Ombudsman found that there had been excessive delays by the HA in carrying out work to the defective cavity wall insulation which was causing penetrating damp (where moisture moves from the exterior wall of a building to the interior) and other problems. The Ombudsman noted that the Contractor used by the HA had first identified the problems in 2022 and had been asked to do a repeat inspection in March 2023 which confirmed the same issues. The work on the defective cavity wall insulation was started in July 2024. The HA said that it had made changes to its repairs process to stop similar delays.
The Ombudsman also identified that communication with Mr A about the delay could have been better. Mr A’s complaint to the HA had provided it with an opportunity to have identified some of the issues that led to the delays and to have acknowledged and apologised to Mr A for the delays.
The Ombudsman noted the effects of the delayed work on Mr A’s health.
The Ombudsman noted that the HA in response to Mr A’s complaint had carried out an inspection visit and found that the cavity wall defects would not have caused the amount of moisture it would have taken to damage Mr A’s items. As the Ombudsman’s office was not a compensatory body it could not take this part of Mr A’s complaint forward. Mr A later made it clear that he was not after compensation but just wanted the work carried out.
The HA agreed as part of the settlement to apologise to Mr A both for the delay in carrying out the work and communication about the delay not being as good as it should have been. The HA also agreed to arrange a damp and mould inspection prior to re-decoration of Mr A’s flat being carried out on a goodwill basis by the HA. The HA was asked to remind officers of the need for photographic evidence to be taken where damp or mould is reported.