Mr X complained that:
• His late mother had been eligible for NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) funding.
• That there had been a delay in the Health Board determining the retrospective CHC claim.
• That the Health Board had not fully responded to the complaint about shortcomings in assessment and care provision for his mother at the time.
The Ombudsman noted that Mr X’s original complaint and claim for retrospective CHC funding for his mother had been made in February 2020. This letter had also contained concerns about the lack of appropriate assessment and care provision for her in the preceding months. The Health Board acknowledged the delay in dealing with the claim but had explained that this was due to the focus on essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic (which was in line with Welsh Government guidance at the time).
The Health Board agreed to :
• Update Mr X’s family every month about the progress of the retrospective CHC claim (until its conclusion)
• Provide a written response to Mr X’s complaint about the lack of proper assessment and care provision for his mother between April 2019 and February 2020, within 30 working days of the date of this decision, in line with the provisions of Putting Things Right.