Report Date


Case Against

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board


Clinical treatment outside hospital

Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Mrs A complained about the care provided by a GP Practice in the area of Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (“the Practice”) to her late sister, in relation to her anxiety and, in particular, that the Practice had refused to undertake a home visit prior to her death. Mrs A queried the medication that was provided to her sister following a stroke. She was unhappy with the complaint response received from the Practice.

The Ombudsman found that the Practice’s complaint response only provided brief responses to the specific questions raised and appeared to lack detail, context and explanation. There was also some delay in Mrs A’s complaint being investigated and a response provided to her.

The Ombudsman sought and gained the Practice’s agreement to, within 20working days, provide Mrs A with further, more detailed, complaint response, addressing the concerns raised in her complaint to the Ombudsman, together with an apology and explanation for the delay in responding to her initial complaint. The Ombudsman’s view was that the above action was reasonable to settle Mrs A’s complaint.