Ms A complained about her diagnosis and treatment by the GP Practice while she was going through a mental health crisis. The investigation considered whether the appointments provided to her were suitable, whether the Practice’s communication with Ms A regarding her requests for appointments was appropriate, whether the medications prescribed to Ms A were appropriate, and whether she was given timely support from the Practice in relation to her withdrawal plan from diazepam (a medication used to treat anxiety and agitation).
The investigation found that Ms A was given appointments in line with the Practice’s policies, and that the communication with Ms A about her appointments was appropriate. It found the reduction of Ms A’s citalopram (a medication used to treat depression) was in line with relevant guidelines. Whilst the diazepam was prescribed for a longer period than recommended, this was justified given Ms A’s distress while waiting to be seen by support services, and that sufficient information regarding the potential of addiction to diazepam was provided to her. The investigation found that Ms A’s withdrawal of diazepam was also managed appropriately, and her complaints were therefore not upheld.