Report Date


Case Against

A GP Practice in the area of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board


Clinical treatment outside hospital

Case Reference Number



Not Upheld

Mr X complained that from January 2020 onwards, the Practice prescribed him bumetanide, gliclazide and omeprazole inappropriately. Mr X also complained about delays in treatment, diagnosis and poor communication.
The Ombudsman found that the Practice prescribed the medications appropriately. These drugs were stopped when Mr X was admitted to hospital in April 2021, it was not a criticism of the Practice, it was because Mr X’s clinical condition changed at that time.
The Ombudsman also found that the overall handling of Mr X’s appointments and referrals by the Practice and its communication with him was satisfactory. There was no evidence that Mr X was inappropriately referred by the Practice, or not referred when he should have been. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, waiting times to see specialists became longer and the Practice managed Mr X’s complex clinical situation as best it could while awaiting guidance from specialists on an overall treatment plan.
The Ombudsman did not uphold the complaint.