Report Date


Case Against

Swansea Bay University Health Board


Clinical treatment in hospital

Case Reference Number



Upheld in whole or in part

Mr A complained about the care and treatment provided by Swansea Bay University Health Board (“the Health Board”) after he accidentally cut his left index finger with a utility knife. In particular, he said that the Health Board failed to prescribe appropriate antibiotics to prevent an infection at the time of surgery to repair the cut. Mr A said that this resulted in his wound becoming infected and the eventual loss of his finger.

The investigation concluded that the decision not to prescribe Mr A antibiotics at the time of surgery was correct, as the wound did not appear to be infected at that time. Missed opportunities were identified to prevent an infection occurring and to recognise that Mr A’s wound may have become infected. As such Mr A’s complaint was partially upheld.

As a result of these failings the Health Board agreed to apologise to Mr A and offer him a payment of £750. The Health Board also agreed to refer Mr A for consideration of a prosthetic to replace his amputated finger, remind staff involved in Mr A’s care of the importance of keeping accurate records and ensure that clinicians responsible for would assessment and management are appropriately trained.