Mrs C complained about the care provided to her late father, Mr P at Hywel Dda University Health Board’s (“the Health Board’s”) Withybush Hospital (“the Hospital”). She said that when her father attended the Emergency Department (“ED”), he was discharged without appropriate tests being carried out, despite his severe pain and being unable to eat. Mrs C raised similar concerns about a later inpatient admission. Mrs C was also dissatisfied with the Health Board’s handling of her complaint.
The Ombudsman did not uphold the complaint about Mr P’s attendance in the ED as appropriate tests were carried out and it was reasonable to send him home. The investigation also concluded that when Mr P was later admitted to the Hospital, his symptoms pointed to chest pain related to heart problems, and that again appropriate tests were undertaken. The investigation found no evidence that Mr P reported symptoms of poor appetite or that investigations relating to his appetite should have been carried out. As it was appropriate to discharge Mr P, this part of Mrs C’s complaint was also not upheld. The Ombudsman upheld Mrs C’s complaint about complaint handling by the Health Board and concluded that Mrs C and the family had been caused an injustice as the failings, which included delay, would have added to their distress.
The Ombudsman recommended that the Health Board apologise to Mrs C and the family for the failings and pay a redress payment of £250 for the time and trouble and inconvenience caused to them.