Report Date


Case Against

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board


Clinical treatment in hospital

Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Miss A complained that Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (“the Health Board”) had failed to carry out appropriate diagnostic tests when her mother had attended hospital on several occasions after she had suffered a heart attack in 2019.

Miss A stated that the medical staff that had overseen her mother’s care during this time had also rejected the option of heart bypass surgery. Her mother had been examined privately and stated that the medical professional responsible for her consultation had advised her that heart bypass surgery should be considered.

The Ombudsman considered the information available to him and was concerned that the Health Board did not appear to have provided Miss A’s mother with the offer of a second opinion. He, therefore, contacted the Health Board.

The Health Board agreed to:

1) Arrange an appointment with one of its Consultants, her mother had not previously seen.

2) This Consultant will provide a second opinion whether heart bypass surgery is a reasonable option for her mother’s condition.

It agreed to arrange an appointment for her mother to attend within 12 weeks of this decision letter and advise her mother of the date of the appointment when confirmed.