Report Date


Case Against

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board


Clinical treatment in hospital

Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Ms X complained that Cardiff and Vale University Health Board failed to properly investigate an allegation that she was sexually assaulted, whilst an inpatient. She said that the lack of duty of care had resulted in her mental state being compromised.

The Ombudsman found that although the Health Board had provided several responses to Ms X’s complaint, it had not specifically addressed the decision not to report the incident to the police, the apparent delay in making a safeguarding referral and whether its decisions were in keeping with its safeguarding policy.

The Ombudsman sought and gained the Health Board’s agreement to provide a further written response to Ms X within 20 working days, explaining its decision not to report the incident to the police, the apparent delay in making a safeguarding referral and whether its actions were in keeping with its safeguarding policy.