Report Date


Case Against

Cardiff Council


Childrens Social Services

Case Reference Number



Early resolution

Mr X complained that the Council had not progressed the investigation of his complaint about the Council’s Social Services department in line with the statutory Social Services complaints process.

The Ombudsman noted that the Council had been unable to appoint a suitable independent investigator who was available to investigate Mr X’s complaint, despite pursuing several options. It had also proved difficult to arrange a face-to-face appointment between an independent investigator and Mr X to discuss his complaint due to the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic. This had caused delay to the process and understandable frustration for Mr X.

The Council has, following Mr X’s complaint to the Ombudsman:
• Appointed an independent investigator to investigate Mr X’s complaint in line with the formal stage of the Social Services complaints process, and this is progressing.
• Agreed to offer Mr X a payment of £250 in recognition of the shortcomings in its communication with him about the status of his stage 2 complaint.