Report Date


Case Against

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board


Appointment procedures (including outpatients)

Case Reference Number



Voluntary settlement

Mr P complained that Cardiff and Vale University Health Board did not manage a neurodevelopmental referral in respect of his daughter, B, appropriately. He was also concerned that the Health Board had failed to provide him with adequate information about the referral process and B’s place on the waiting list.
In response to the Ombudsman’s investigation, the Health Board said that it had offered B an assessment appointment and indicated that it was willing to provide further information to Mr P in the interests of resolving his complaint.

The Health Board agreed to write a letter to Mr P to address a number of outstanding questions about B’s care specified by the Ombudsman and to apologise for previous inconsistent communication. It agreed to submit the letter to the Ombudsman for approval within 4 weeks and to issue the letter to Mr P within 1 week of receiving approval. The Ombudsman considered the complaint settled on the basis of the above actions.