Report Date


Case Against

Cardiff Council


Adult Social Services

Case Reference Number



Early resolution

COMPL complained that the Council did not recognise her as a carer for her relative living in supported living accommodation and about the quality of the care plans provided. Ms A was unhappy with the Council’s handling of her complaint, particularly that the Council had not kept her up to date and did not provide her with a copy of the report prepared following investigation at Stage 2 of the complaint procedure.

Although it appeared that the Council had sent a copy of the Stage 2 Investigation report together with a formal complaint response letter to the COMPL she had not received these. The Ombudsman found that the Council’s response was not finalised until 6 months after the conclusion of the Stage 2 investigation and the Council were unable to confirm or provide evidence that the actions it proposed by way of settlement, as set out in its complaint response, had been carried out.

The Council agreed to, within 10 working days, provide Ms A with a copy of the Stage 2 independent investigation report and its complaint response letter. The Council also agreed to, within 2 months, complete the actions set out in the complaint response letter, provide Ms A with an apology and explanation for the delay in its complaints handling and completing the agreed actions, together with details of measures taken to avoid future repetition of the shortcomings experienced. It also agreed to provide an explanation as to why the Council has previously not considered her as a carer for her relative and the reasons for its change of position. The Council further agreed to arrange a meeting between Ms A and a senior officer of the Adult Social Services department to discuss the concerns.