Mr B complained on behalf of Mr A about the Health Board’s failure to keep the information about Mr A’s address up to date resulting in him missing key appointments. A complaint had been made about a data breach concerning Mr A’s personal information which the Health Board was investigating but no updates had been provided. Mr B also complained that Mr A had failed to receive appropriate mental health care and support from the Health Board including after he had attempted to take his own life.
The Ombudsman was unable to look into the data beach issue as being outside his jurisdiction, but noted that in its complaint response the Health Board had failed to consider or respond into the clinical concern raised by Mr B. In view of this, the Ombudsman felt it appropriate to consider a resolution as an alternative to investigation as the clinical issue had not been considered through the Putting Things Right (PTR) process. The Ombudsman felt the Health Board should be given the chance to investigate and respond to this but should do so in a timely manner. The Health Board agreed to undertake the following in settlement of the complaint:
• To investigate the complaint about lack of clinical care and treatment to Mr A and provide a complaint response (in line with PTR) within 6 weeks.
• Within one month to arrange a (virtual) face to face meeting (with Mr A and/or Mr B as his representative) to discuss the concerns and to provide an update on the data breach investigation.