CAFCASS CYMRU is an organisation within the Welsh Government that works with children and families who are involved in family court cases. It is independent of the courts, social services, education and health authorities, and similar agencies. It provides expert child-focused advice and support, safeguards children and makes sure their voices are heard in family courts so that decisions are made in their best interests.
What we can do
If you are dissatisfied with the administrative way in which CAFCASS CYMRU deals with your case, then you can complain to us about that process.
We can:
- Look at any administrative failings in how CAFCASS CYMRU has dealt with you and your case;
- Look at a complaint about how CAFCASS CYMRU has followed its complaints procedure.
What we cannot do
We cannot:
- Look at any issues of suspension, discipline or any personnel issues about members of CAFCASS CYMRU staff;
- Take any action in terms of the start or conduct of legal proceedings before a court of law. If you are unhappy with the Court’s decision then you may want to consider taking legal advice;
- Look at or take action when it comes to any report prepared for the purposes of court proceedings.
Issues to bear in mind
- If you are unhappy with the content of a CAFCASS CYMRU report that has been prepared for the purposes of court proceedings, then you should raise any concerns about the report within the Court proceedings.
Further information
You may want to consider contacting the following organisations for advice:
- Children’s Commissioner for Wales, who advises children, young people and those who care for them if they think they’ve been treated unfairly –
- Meic is an information, advice and support helpline service for children and young people up to the age of 25 in Wales –
Contact us
If you are not sure whether we would be able to look into your complaint, please contact us on 0300 790 0203 or
Also available in Welsh.