Today the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales issues a Public Interest report into Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board after it ignored requests and reminders from the Ombudsman to respond to a draft report and the recommendations for improvements that it included.
The Ombudsman launched an investigation after Mrs Y complained about the care and treatment her late mother, Mrs W, received from Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board. The Ombudsman’s final report into Mrs Y’s complaint found failings in obtaining consent from the patient, and in relation to appropriate post-operative care including monitoring, pain relief and oral care.
The Ombudsman had no option but to issue her decision as a public interest report when the Health Board ignored requests from her staff to comment on the draft report. This case is not an isolated issue but is an example of several cases where the Health Board has failed to provide information or comments. The Ombudsman has been in contact with the Health Board about these delays, and met with the Chief Executive.
“I am deeply concerned about the inaction of the Health Board. The Health Board was given a number of opportunities to comment on a draft of this report but it has not done so. The Health Board has therefore not confirmed if it accepts these recommendations and for that reason this report has had to be issued as a public interest report. This is unacceptable and of serious concern to the public.”
Commenting on the report, Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, Michelle Morris, said:
The Ombudsman’s Recommendations
In her report, the Ombudsman made recommendations, including an apology to Mrs Y for the failings identified, and bringing this report, and the reasons the Ombudsman has issued it as a public interest report, to the attention of the Chair of the Board’s Quality and Safety Committee.
Following issue of this report and on knowing that the report was to be published as a public interest report, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board accepted the Ombudsman’s findings and conclusions and agreed to implement these recommendations.