PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.
Our suicide prevention helpline, HOPELINEUK, is staffed by trained suicide prevention advisers, who work with young people – and anybody concerned for a young person – to help keep them safe from suicide. HOPELINEUK is a free and confidential call, text and email service, which is available from 9am to midnight, every day of the year.
We deliver our suicide prevention education and training packages to thousands of people each year, to create suicide-safer communities across the UK.
We also press for change to current legislation around suicide prevention on a regional and national level.
We support under 35s who are struggling with thoughts of suicide to help keep them safe for now, we offer guidance and a debriefing service to concerned others and professionals. We also deliver training to a range of communities including schools and universities to equip communities/individuals with the skills to support young people who may be struggling with thoughts of suicide.
We cover all of Wales, and are UK-wide.
Hastings House, Fitzalan Place, Cardiff, CF24 OBL