The Bridgend Voice and Choice helpline has been set up as a first port of call for anyone who needs an advocate to represent their opinions and stand up for their rights.

A dedicated helpline has been created, which can be called by the public on 0808 801 0330. The helpline is available from Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm.

The service is available to residents aged over 18 who may need help to have their views heard, be in control and/or understand their options in relation to services they are receiving or think they may need, around social care support.

Carers and practitioners can also contact the service if they have any concerns about an individual who receives the above.

Covers Bridgend County Borough.

We offer advocacy-related information, advice and assistance via our free helpline on 0808 801 0330.

Bridgend Voice and Choice (BVC) is a helpline to support citizens living in Bridgend County Borough to have a voice and a choice when it comes to social care support services, particularly as defined by the Social Services and Well-being(Wales) Act (2014).

The service is available to residents aged over 18 who may need help to have their views heard, be in control and/or understand their options in relation to services they are receiving or think they may need, around social care support.

Carers and practitioners can also contact the service if they have any concerns about an individual who receives the above or if they feel an individual would benefit from advocacy and support around their rights.

• You want information or advice to help choose the right local service to meet your needs or those of the person you are concerned about

• You need help to understand information that can help you make your own choices

• You feel you need help to be heard and there is no-one else to speak on your behalf

• You want someone to help you speak, or to speak for you, at meetings with social care professionals

• You want help understanding discussions that are taking place about your care or the person you are concerned about

• You want help to take part in the decisions other people are making that are affecting you or the person you are concerned about

• You feel that professionals are not listening to your point of view or you disagree with decisions that are being made about you or the person you are concerned about

• You need help to uphold your rights, or those of the person you are concerned about

We’ll try and help you find the right local service to meet your needs, or we can help with an Independent Professional Advocate who is a trained and paid worker who will provide independent support for people that are eligible to access social services and where there is no-one else to help.

17 West Bute St, Cardiff CF10 5EP