AWW provides independent advocacy and self-advocacy development work only via the following projects:

Independent Mental Health Advocacy – for people of any age in hospital, being treated or assessed for their mental health, whether or not they are subject to the Mental Health Act or are voluntary patients. For people in the community subject to detention under the Mental Health Act.
Support to understand legal rights and support through appeal against detention, support to express views around medication, care and treatment options and planning, secure services and entitlements.

Community Mental Health Advocacy – for adults in Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire and for all ages in Ceredigion. Seeking more support with mental health, support to advocate into mental health or other key services, safeguarding processes including for parents with mental health whose children are within safeguarding processes.

3 CIPA – Three County Independent Professional Advocacy – in partnership with 4 other organisations throughout the counties of Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire, for adults with barriers to speaking up/engaging with services, with no other appropriate individual to advocate for them. Support around care and support assessment, planning and review, safeguarding processes and complaint about any of these.

Independent Advocacy for People with a Learning Disability and Autistic People in Pembrokeshire – 16+ - advocating around views and wishes, care and support planning, transition and moving on – complaint about any of these.

Mental Health Drop-In Advocacy Services throughout Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire – focus on lower level preventative work – based in key third sector settings such as Hafal and Links, VC Gallery. No appointment necessary but we recommend ringing ahead to confirm the session.

36-38 High Street
SA61 2DA